About Me

This page about me is really about my experience working in the health industry and my love of alternative therapies.  My belief in get-prostate-healthy is to bring the information from both systems, into one place.  It does exist.  It ought to be simple to find.

The physical function of male and female anatomy sometimes goes wrong. This causes you and me various degrees of stress and anxiety, shock and horror as we come to terms with what we have always lived with (our anatomy) but didn’t really know anything about.

I have observed, and experienced, the feeling that there seems to be yet another dilemma at each and every step of treatment, including prostate disease treatment.

  • more new information
  • more tests
  • more effect on living
  • longer to wait
  • more appointments to keep.

I often hear people say that if they had known some of this stuff ahead of time, they might have made different decisions, or at least have felt more knowledgeable about what was to be expected of them next.

Some men don’t want to know. That’s OK. For those who do, I hope to map out the possibilities a little clearer. I believe that one aspect of good health, including prostate health, is having some control, even just a little, of your own disease management. This might make the dilemma at each stage of treatment less depressing and a little less disempowering.

More about me. Yes, I am female.  I have worked a lot of my life in administration areas of the medical industry, including dermatology, gynaecology, cardiology, psychiatry and geriatrics. However, my personal health is largely the result of homoeopathy, naturopathy, energy healing and self education. I have employed, studied or practised a number of complementary or alternative therapies and have often wondered what I could do with the experience and knowledge I have gained in each of those industries.

I look forward to a time when conventional medicine and complementary or alternative medicine embrace each other. There are more choices than you realise. The reason for your disease is much deeper but also much more simple than we are often advised.

About me? Well, I did find management solutions for my own aging female anatomy and I wondered what was available for men. My father’s illnesses include prostate difficulties.

Once layout and planning for this site had begun, an old friend (of long time and young for his age!) told me he had been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer having got sick of getting up to the toilet at night and no other symptoms. That seemed to be a sign that I should continue developing the concept of putting related prostrate health information on one site.

Dennis at age 58, a very active cyclist

Diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer, 2012

Dennis is pictured here within the year prior to diagnosis in 2012.  He helps give me a real perspective as my dad lives in another country and hearing loss means he doesn’t hear my phone calls.

I have my favourite solutions to help with chronic inflammatory degenerative disease in general, including prostate problems. I will recommend them, as I believe it would be irresponsible not to do so. Currently, there is no financial benefit to me for doing this. Meantime, if you have questions please contact me by clicking the link below or from the footer of this page.

Women who access this site on behalf of the men in their lives are welcome also to contact me for suggestions about their own pelvic organ aging problems.

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